React Native vs Flutter in 2024: Which to Opt For?

Shahmir Shaikh

17 Oct, 2024

8 Minutes read

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The world of mobile application development changes every day in itself, but at the moment, the problem for a developer is how to choose between Flutter vs React Native in 2024 or which one to use and why since both are extremely powerful frameworks that make cross-platform app development extremely fast and efficient, yet there are different strengths for every framework that will be used to answer various kinds of needs on projects.

If you are an app developer or the owner of a business looking to build a new mobile app in 2024, then knowing the main differences between these two technologies is very important.

In this article, we are going to debate Flutter vs. React Native by offering direct comparisons of the two across performance, ease of use, ecosystem, and community support. Let's determine which framework may best suit your app development project this year.

Evolution of Flutter and React Native

The Evolution of Flutter and React Native

Since their launching, both Flutter and React Native have improved in great heights, but what they originally came with remains fundamentally different. Flutter is a product developed by Google on the Dart programming language, and in practice, has drawn attention due to its excellent UI capabilities and perfect integration across platforms. As a Facebook-backed entity, React Native uses the popular JavaScript language, meaning developers can easily write apps in familiar syntax and leverage a huge ecosystem.

Today, Flutter vs React Native in 2024 is one of the most popular debates as both frameworks address modern app development issues, from performance to development speed, but their history over the years makes a difference in nuances that might matter for your decision.

Dart vs Javascript

Programming Languages: Dart vs JavaScript

Another really big difference is in the programming language. Flutter uses a relatively unknown programming language called Dart, and React Native uses JavaScript, one of the well-known programming languages that the majority of the globe uses today.

However, Flutter's Dart provides quite a few benefits - it is fast with Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation, favouring the development of high-performance apps. It would also become more C++-like in syntax which makes it easier for the use of objects-oriented programming developers.

JavaScript, however, is one of the most employed programming languages in the world. This would mean that React Native has a much larger pool of developers, more learning resources, and a great vast ecosystem.For businesses, hiring React Native developers might be easier and more cost-effective compared to finding Dart developers.

Flutter's Widgets vs React Native's Components

UI and User Experience: Flutter's Widgets vs React Native's Components

The user interfaces of Flutter and React Native are different in terms. Using Flutter, developers are given a rich set of customizable widgets that give control over every pixel of the app. This widget-based system permits highly customizable and consistent UI designs, from iOS to Android to web apps.

On the other hand, React Native uses native UI components. This means it provides a more “native” feel to apps because it leverages the platform’s own UI components. However, React Native may require third-party libraries to ensure UI consistency across platforms, while Flutter integrates everything within its framework.

If your app's success hinges on delivering a unique and stunning UI, Flutter might have the edge here, as its widgets offer more flexibility. However, if you prefer an app that closely mirrors the native platform, React Native’s native components could be a better fit.

Performance Comparison

Performance is a crucial factor when choosing between Flutter vs React Native in 2024. While both frameworks offer good performance, there are clear distinctions:

Flutter: Thanks to Dart's AOT compilation, as well as Flutter's much more optimized C++ rendering engine, Flutter apps usually perform much better in terms of CPU usage and deliver high-quality graphics and animations. Flutter is really the best choice for apps that have complex UI elements or complicated animations.

React Native: React Native relies on JavaScript and bridges between native components, which can sometimes slow down performance. However, recent updates like TurboModules and Fabric Renderer aim to improve React Native’sperformance, making it competitive with Flutter.

For apps that are performance critical, as most games or real-time streaming services are, Flutter will generally outperform React Native. However, if your app doesn’t require top-tier performance, React Native can still be a solid choice, especially given its mature ecosystem.

Developer Productivity and Tools

Developer Productivity and Tools

When talking about developer productivity, both Flutter and React Native have a lot of useful tools on board. In Flutter, Hot Reload is supported, so changes are seen in the code itself without having to rebuild the application. This really saves a lot of time when building the app.

As would be expected, React Native has a similar Fast Refresh, so the developer will see the changes they have made in real-time as they code. Of course, React Native has an enormous space for third-party libraries, tools, and packages in JavaScript, so it may provide much more resources to the developer and be a productivity booster.

Flutter vs React Native for app development also depends on the IDEs and tools you prefer. Flutter supports a range of popular IDEs like Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA, and Android Studio, while React Native works well with JavaScript-focused IDEs, including the same tools. In short, both frameworks excel in this area, but React Native’s more mature ecosystem gives it a slight edge.

Community Support and Ecosystem

The ecosystem and community can decide the development experience in a framework. Since the age of the platform along with the number of developers contributing to it, combined with an enormous amount of third-party libraries, makes it easier to find help in solving or integrating many advanced functionalities into your apps, React Native is a more favored choice.

Flutter’s community has been growing steadily since its release, and in 2024, it now boasts a strong support network.However, React Native still holds an advantage due to its widespread adoption and longer presence in the industry.

If you're looking for a large pool of developers, third-party libraries, and existing solutions to common problems, React Native offers more mature community support. But if you’re interested in working with cutting-edge technology and want an engaged community, Flutter is quickly catching up.

Cross-Platform Development Efficiency

Both Flutter and React Native also excel in cross-platform development; the developer is allowed to write one codebase that actually works across multiple platforms. However, Flutter really stands out as it not only works well beyond mobile application support but also on web, desktop, and even embedded systems.

React Native also allows code reuse across multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and potentially web. However, for web and desktop support, additional effort and third-party libraries may be required.

If your project deals with app development for more than mobile platforms, then Flutter seems to be a better all-roundedsolution. However, if it only deals with mobile apps, then if your required development cycle is faster, then React Native might work better for you.

Cost of Development

Cost of Development

The cost of development is always a key consideration for businesses. While both Flutter and React Native help reduce development time and costs by allowing cross-platform development, the hiring market can differ.

Since React Native developers are more common, hiring them may be more affordable, and the talent pool is larger. Flutter developers are growing in demand, but the pool is smaller, potentially driving up development costs.

For any startup or business looking to cut down the costs of development, React Native could be a better choice in that regard since there are many top developers available. However, if your application requires the performance and flexibility that Flutter offers, the spend will be well justified.

Final Verdict: Which One to Choose in 2024?

The war of Flutter vs React Native in 2024 for app development doesn't have any clear winner, as it just depends on what best fits your requirements. Therefore, let's quickly summarize to determine your pick:

Choose Flutter if your project requires high performance, a custom UI, and cross-platform compatibility beyond mobile applications.

Choose React Native if the following are your top priorities: a massive number of developers, fast time-to-market, and a familiar JavaScript-based framework.

Flutter and React Native were two of the most recognizable players in the mobile app development in 2024. Both are amazing, yet the choice would depend upon your specific needs, team acumen, and long-term goals from your application.

After all, whichever framework you will eventually prefer to work with, you will surely be able to develop cross-platform apps of good quality based on modern user requirements.

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